
Accommodation distinction在语言学中怎么翻译
答:Accommodation distinction 住宿的区别

翻译成英文 "我们将负责你在中国的住宿和饮食"
答:it s our honnor to invite you come to factory as the supervisor,and check the goods before your payment,we'll take a full charge of all your chinese journey's spending.嘿嘿,谢谢skating sunny,我的英语不好,你的建议我会学习,原文我也不改,正好留做大家的参考,呵呵。一起分享啊...

答:Equipped with standard room, big bed room, four people room and other kinds of room more than 400, to meet the Tianshi Group headquarters staff, regional dealers and external guests of different levels of accommodation needs. Rooms are equipped with air conditioning, television, ...

disability accommodation是什么意思
答:(1)可能是指美国大学提供的课程:Disability Accommodation= 残疾人便利研究学.(2) 或: 学生大学生活=残疾人住宿设施. 例句:"After reviewing the information on this web site, students seeking <disability accommodations> should meet with the Coordinator for Services for Students with Disability ...

答:精品民宿酒店 Boutique hotel accommodation 村民服务中心 Village Service Center 自然学校、生态农场 Natural school, ecological farm 植入式民俗 Implantable folk custom

complain about的中文翻译_complain about怎么翻译
答:假设你是一名在美国读大学的学生,你对学校的住宿条件不满意。请写一封正式的投诉信:Dear Sir or Madam,I am writing to complain about the accommodation of the University.There are some problems in living conditions, which are very unsatisfactory.First of all, I think it's too early to...

...evaluation and light to moderate usage怎么翻译?
答:for evaluation and light to moderate usage的中文翻译是用于评估和轻中度使用 重点词汇:moderate 词语分析:音标:英 [ˈmɒdərət] 美 [ˈmɑːdərət]adj. 中等的,适度的,不很大的;温和的;有节制的;中庸的,稳健的,不走极端的 vt. ...

翻译“Reasonable Accommodation of Differences”
答:为不同群体提供合理的便利 调整就业政策/做法,确保避免任何单独的一方:违背了利益 避免开展明令禁止的工作给就业带来不便 例如:为轮椅进行工作站重建 信息不全,暂且这样翻译,水平有限。

答:在你的脑里或者在纸上计算是对我们有益的.但是, 近数千年的人使用其他事情去帮助他们数数和计算.最古老的计算工具是算盘.这是一台仪器, 你可以沿著杆移动小珠或者在框架里打小珠.最近的其中一个计算工具是计算器.懒惰的人们使用计算器做那些他们应该在脑里做的 算术题.他们认为这是最好的方法去...

答:This course is open to all students who met the academic requirements for participation.这门课程为所有满足了学术要求的学生开设。Students who need accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact me, privately and as soon as possible, to discuss their situations.那些需要...


{鲜思志18088537993} accommodation怎么读要语音 - ______ accommodation 英 [əkɒmə'deɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [ə,kɑmə'deʃən] n. 住处,膳宿;调节;和解;预订铺位

{鲜思志18088537993} accommodation怎么读 - ______ accommodation的读音是英[əˌkɒməˈdeɪʃn],美[əˌkɑːməˈdeɪʃn]. n.住处,膳宿;调节;和解;预订铺位. 双语例句 1、John found a better accommodation way to ease the conflict between the two of them. 约翰找到了一个更...

{鲜思志18088537993} 关于accommodation - ______ accomodation解释为住处、办公处、停留处时不可数(英式英语),解释为住宿、膳宿时可数而且要用复数(美式英语).例句中的accomodation不加s.

{鲜思志18088537993} accommodation 作为行业是指什么行业? - ______ accommodation 作为商务类型指提供食宿的服务.accommodation 是所有提供食宿服务机构的类别名称.大到酒店,小至家庭的 B&B(Bed & Breakfast,卧室加早餐)都属于这类商务.需注意的是,尽管“食宿”是accommodation 的中文翻译,...

{鲜思志18088537993} make the necessary accommodations译文 - ______ 您好,make the necessary accommodations 中,当 accommodation 为复数形式的 accommodations 时,通常该单词译为和【住宿(有时包括膳食)】方面的.所以:make the necessary accommodations 可以译为:1)提供必要的住宿(包括...

{鲜思志18088537993} 求翻译 请安排住宿和交通. - ______ 前面的更好些吧.更书面化.lodging常用lodgings,指临时租借的房间或宿舍.accommodation泛指各种居住住所,一般指暂时下榻之地.

{鲜思志18088537993} 一词千金秒杀四六研词汇教研组怎么记accommodation? - ______ accommodation =ac+com+mod+ation =加强+带来+舒适+性 =n. 住处; 办公处; 停留处; 住宿; 膳宿; 和解; 调解; 调和. 这个单词记忆的难点在于单词的结构划分,然后难点在于mod的理解,mod是mid的变体,“中/舒适/恰恰好/宾至如...

{鲜思志18088537993} accommodation 和residence作为住处翻译的区别,什么时候用哪个单词? - ______ accommodation: a place to live ——住处 somewhere to live or stay ——住宿 residence: a house, especially a large or impressive one ——住所;住房;住宅 permission to live in a country that is not your own ——(在他国的)居住权,居留许可

{鲜思志18088537993} assessment accommodation怎么翻译 - ______ assessment n. 评定;估价 accommodation n. 调节;住处,膳宿;

{鲜思志18088537993} accommodation与dormitory等的区别 - ______ accommodation 是 吃饭+住处 而 dormitory 是住处 没吃饭 知道了吧 所以这里 不能换 因为人除了住 还要吃啊